
We connect like never before:

Art process is pretty indefinable, but it’s the way each artist chooses to get started and continue through. Some use a particular method/technique that they have evolved over time, some use a well trodden path, still others choose to trust solely to their intuition at all times and the way of doing things often changes and hopefully develops over a lifetime of practice.

Artists will tell you that they tend to have an inkling of something. Can be triggered by anything at all and it comes from a place they can’t reach with a direct A to B thought process. This is of course one of the real attractions of making the stuff, it can’t be fixed and it can’t be directly analyzed, and this is where it can get problematic when artists are asked “what does this mean?”(Question: when was the last time you heard a musician asked, what does this mean about a piece of music?…….. :)

Artists are just like everybody else, except they make stuff, it’s no big deal – they make stuff and invite you look at it.. they’d probably like you to buy some of it too, but generally speaking artists are pretty generous about sharing, all they ask is that if you share online that you remember to put their name on it somewhere.

It is not the artist’s job to explain how you should react to what they do, they are offering you an experience, hopefully something new and interesting – if you get a positive response – if you are intrigued by what you observe, well that’s wonderful! but if you aren’t it’s no reflection on your cognitive ability, it just means that the thing doesn’t reach you and your life experience, at least, not right now. : )


WORDAGEred and floaty


best wishes!



Some houses have pictures hanging on the walls, often contained in frames and locked behind glass. What does it mean? – the innocent observer asks– at this point the ground begins to shake.





Off Beat


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Some art work placed in a high street shop in my local area that sells all sorts of things for the home.  I’m trying to find ways of getting paintings seen and hopefully sold in places other than galleries.

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The second time of trying to get it right. If we want people to buy artwork then it has to be seen in places other than galleries where often the prices asked are completely out of reach of people who might otherwise think it might be cool to have some original work. As the galleries often keep the difference, I thought it was worth a try anyway.  Selling online is also a good option but when it comes to paintings people often tell me they want to see the work IRL. before making up their minds.

off beat


Price range: £150 – £190 – exclusive of the shop’s commission – three of the works are framed one isn’t – it will be interesting to see if people state a preference. I never normally frame my work, so finding this a bit uncomfortable.  (Adding frames also makes it more expensive, depending on how you do it of course).

SKITTER – at the Bermondsey Art Trail – 11th July

Really pleased to be included here. For once we didn’t need to explain anything, we just sent our site info to the Bermondsey Art Trail and they liked what we do http://www.arthouse1.co.uk/the-bermondsey-art-trail.html and we have one of our videos included in a screening at the Shortwave Cinema in Bermondsey Square. (* A big thank you to Rebecca Fairman, your enthusiasm is much appreciated! And thank you to Clare Dove for the original link: ) http://bermondseysquare.net/project/bermondsey-art-trail/)

P O N O R / J A N C Z A K video site: There is No More There Any More


.Gif made from stills from the video “SKITTER”skitter-gif-small